Thursday, April 03, 2008

i am in queens.

don't knock it, dude.
i actually really, really like it here. i do.

about to embark on 3 days of marathon meetings in The Big City of manhatttan.
wearing heels, the weather is good, things are looking up.

plenty to say and plenty to respond to....


for now:
go to the dolls myspace page (we're re-tooling the actual website for re-launch in late may).

if you didn't notice, we just added a bunch of west coast dates (san fran to texas, baby) may 18-june 1st.

we posted the first taste of "no, virginia...", one of our favorite tracks, called The Kill.

go leeesten.

brian viglione = drumming god




Unknown said...

brian viglione = drumming god

Indeed. I saw his solo bring at least 5 strangers to tears at the Onion Cellar.

You're no slouch though.

Hubris said...


Rimmer said...
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Rimmer said...
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Rimmer said...

And Amanda = songwriting-singing-piano goddess.
Are Dresden Dolls the Olymp or something?!

Unknown said...

aaaa you are in queens and i am in manhattan!

i hope you have a ball, clearly.

if you are at all short of reading material, drop me a line!

Athene Numphe said...

yay, you are coming to Austin.

Boo, you're not coming to New Orleans.

Unknown said...

aaaaaand I saw you at starbucks!
hooray for awkward meetings!

I hope you liked my note.
and my dog, for that matter.

you are awfully amazing.
thank you for brightening up my day.
and my life, consequentially.


Max Meyers said...

any chance you'll have advance copies of no, virginia available at the San Francisco show for those super-dedicated fans!?

banky said...

Hot damn, that's one awesome track. It gave me flashbacks to my college years in upstate NY, where anything good was "the kill." The weed, for example, was not the dank, the kind, the bomb, the chronic, or whatever. It was THE KILL. Smoking said weed from atop the Good Medicine Tree was the kill. The whole-milk-and-fresh-baked-cookies delivery joint was *definitely* the kill. And that song - yeah, that song is absolutely THE KILL.

Deleted said...

Yessss! I'm disappointed y'all aren't going to New Orleans, that's where I live and there are so many people there I know who have mad love for y'all. If you were, I'd be seeing you THREE times!

Alas, since I'm over in Houston for school, I'll be going to both the Houston and Austin shows... so excited I FINALLY get to see y'all live! Hope you're ready for some heat and humidity!! <3

Deleted said...

Ahh not to post again but I just saw the other person's comment about New Orleans... I'm glad I'm not the only one pulling for y'all to come to the city! Seriously it's a fantastic place, you would LOVE uptown and the French Quarter and have a complete ball there, especially since I know you are into the hidden cafes and such!

periculum said...

Ahhh, Queens. I've lived here all my life, and I actually quite like it here. Close enough to Manhattan so that you have somewhere to go that has actual THINGS to do when you're bored, and far enough away that things aren't too loud & crazy too much of the time.

That said, I'm thrilled you like it here (& I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay)!

I can't wait for the album, and please tell me you'll be playing a New York show sometime in the near future? It makes me sad that I've never seen you guys live.

Julia said...

I want to tell you that I practically SEIZED from excitement when I saw that you're coming to San Francisco. :D

Incidentally, I am in love with "The Kill". I am even more excited about "No, Virgina" than I was before, and hot damn I was pretty excited before.

Julia said...

PS Come visit San Francisco often, it's awesome here!

Mad River Motor Company said...

No joke,

go find the poet Isaiah Hemmen at the New School. He has recently needed his ankle repaired so he is always at home. Bring him tea and ask him to tell you about what he likes. He is on the edge of something really empty and he is always fun to talk to.

No matter how much one loves Bob Scanlon, there is always Stratis Haviaras though he's not leaving Greece for Cambridge this summer

Elise said...

The Kill is SUCH a good song! I'm terribly impatient for both No, Virginia and Who Killed Amanda Palmer. I am so impressed.

Will you be my friend? I live near boston and could easily visit you when you're around.

E. said...

I don't think anyone is going to argue with Brian's god-ness; between the two of you, you're an orchestra.
I am SO GLAD that you're touring in Texas again! Since I became a fan, I haven't been able to see a full-length DD show, SXSW and True Colors notwithstanding. I was wondering—are you touring with any opening acts? If so, when will they be announced? Just out of curiosity.
Speaking of which, I was lucky enough to see Sxip Shirey at SXSW (based only on your recommendation) this year, and he was AMAZING.

June Miller said...

Queens makes me think of Coming to America, so there's no hatin' involved here.



I like the album cover for "No, Virginia..." As well as "The Kill." You crazy kids, you. :)


'things are looking up.'

It would certainly seem so.

I was sort of expecting y'all to come back to SF later on in the year, for some reason. What a wonderful surprise. We're looking forward to it.

SNAP! You guys always get the coolest openers, for that matter. Thank goodness. More new, bad-ass music, yay!

Ah, the excitement. What a wonderful change of pace.

sarah said...

im happy that you're happy, but don't leave boston for good...ever!
i love NYC. so boss.
i can't wait for the cd, and yours.
and shows. i'm excited!

good luck with everything!

sarah said...

p,s, i am listening to the new song RIGHT now and I love it. a lot. :]

Witchseason said...

I *need* you guys to come to the UK. If & when you do I'll be the overweight middle-ages bloke grinning like an ass.

Amanda Palmer, I think I love you.

andrea said...

it's almost 8 in the morning and i think i'm still a little drunk from last night. i listened to the kill about ten times yesterday. i love that song. i love the live versions. the studio version is just as good. i was very impressed and it made me very excited. you guys are finally coming back to KC, fuck yes! now i only have to drive a few minutes to go to the show, not all the way over to st. louis, but i never mind it really. it's nice to have an excuse to go on a mini vacation.
i love edith piaf's music, even before the movie, which just increased my interest in her life. i went looking for some sort of biography on her, one i thought might at least hold a little truth. i decided on the one her supossed half sister simone berteaut wrote. i had to get it off ebay from australia, $25, that was the cheapest i could get it anywhere. it looks good, i'll let you know how it goes. my happy drunk mood is making me go on and on about things. i'm a little behind and just watched Super Size Me for the first time a few day ago. damn, 24 pounds in a month off mc d's is crazy. i like their chicken sandwiches and vanilla ice cream cones but i don't think they are worth it any more. as i'm writing this i should be working on my paper about william blake and how he uses scenes and images of nature in his poetry to represent his thoughts on life, etc... it's going ok, i really don't want to write it, this comment is my lovely distraction this morning. however, i do some of my best writing when i'm a little tipsy so maybe i should work on it. watch weeds if you have not already, fucking amazing show. here's a question: how did you make it through college without just wanting to drop out and fuck it all? or maybe you did feel like that. i'm just at that point where i feel like i'm burnt out on the paper writing and the studying. i've been doing it since grade school, i need a damn break! i love learning new things and i think education is great but lately i'm so irresponsible when it comes to school work, like right now. this essay i'm writing should have been turned in over a week ago as a rough draft, 15 pages and i'm on page 5. this will definitly go down as my year of heavy drinking, it has taken priority over school work. i don't feel guilty just fed up, and i need to get back to my art. i have not created anything in over six months, that i feel guilty about and i think i can feel what a difference it has made in my life. something is missing and i think that's it. i've been listening to the legendary pink dots a lot lately. i think it is helping me get back in my art mood. i started this painting last year that was inspired by ampersand. it's 1/3 of the way done. i'd love to finish it. it will look really nice if it comes out like i see it in my head. ok, i'm done. thanks for reading all of this word vomit. i must have needed to get all that stuff out. enjoy the rest of your time in queens. can't wait to hear the new voice.

all my love,


Witchseason said...

Err.. that should have been 'middle-aged', not 'middle-ages'. Doh.

the deviant tart said... should seriously consider coming to one ever makes us sad. :( although, if you went to seattle again, i suppose another roadtrip would be in order. :) have fun in queens!

Emma said...

New track! Awesome!

I've listened to it a bunch of times, and it rocks. Brilliant!

*dances a happy dance*

And yes, Brian -is- a drumming god. He's really intuitive and actually, quite spectacular.

Ditto on the swoon. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album!

Andy Pants said...

So Amanda, is your voice better now or what? Will you be able to pull out the goods when you come to Australia? Oh, and when are you touring Australia?

sarah said...

why do you go on all of these meetings in different places?
is it for your music career, the dolls? who are the people you're meeting with? i wanna know! :]
keep singing, doll face.

Tom said...

I'm listening to The Kill right now. (Again and again) I'm ridiculously excited for No, Virginia now. I really love this song already, and I can already tell the new album will not disappoint. I don't think you guys know how to do that.

In other news, you need to come back to Chicago! I want to rock the stage with you and Brian again. That was some of the most fun ever!


Unknown said...

It isn't a west coast tour if you are COMPLETELY skipping Oregon. :/ It involves the west coast.

had my hopes up for a moment there.

David said...

I too am taken by "The Kill". It's just the kind of thing I expect from you and it satisfies my Amanda-thirst for now as well as making me anticipate No Virginia! Thanks for making it available to us :-)

That's so fucking awesome that you're playing with the Boston Pops! I hope SOMEBODY is recording that!

So the voicebox is healing nicely then is it? Should I still be lighting the candle for your cords?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Brian is a drumming god. I am so looking forward to seeing him play again.

I was the only person who didn't get the drop-off cancellation e-mail in time, so I left a bunch of lawn gnome type shit at The Mill. You should totally grab it, if you have a chance, assuming it's still there. One of them is a dog taking a shit, and it totally needs to be in the video.

Anonymous said...

So while you were in Queens, my high school and your old high school (Lexington, if I'm right?) teamed up together and sang the requiem. It was a weird experience...

Oh, and did you use to play the piano in the practice room near the cafeteria? Just curious...

Alyhax said...


I met you on the train to Boston Wednesday night - I got off at Route 128 and kicked myself for about 10 minutes for stammering like a fool

What I MEANT to say was that I listened to your music when I was younger and it got me through an incredible amount of shit

What I DIDN'T say is that I still listen to it now, was listening to Good Day on the train, have been listening over and over to Good Day because I couldn't remember the last time I felt that way.

Meeting you was like meeting my Superman. I hope someday to do something as creative as all the things you've done and continue to do

And if I ever see you again I will demand to shake your hand a couple more times


Unknown said...

am. hi.i just wanted to say that this music always saves my life.
i'm from Lithuania(it's in Europe). have you ever heard of it? well, i can say that Lithuania listen to you, amanda.
and OH MY GOD if you would visit us,me, LIthuania,Europe,you would change people's lifes.and i'm fucking serious. so please. say smth about that.
and it's strange thing.there's no CD's of dresden dolls in here, but people talk about you.ofcourse, not everyone have a chance even listen to your music,but...
i read these comments and i think that those people who saw you are the happiest.
so please.i'm waiting.we're waiting.for dresden dolls.

me said...

Awww... the universe once again conspires against me. I already have Rent tickets for the same date as your Bay area show. I am so so so sad. =(

emma said...

I was in Boston visiting colleges this weekend with my mom, and right before we left to drive home my mom wanted to stop for a coffee. We ended up going to Cafe Pamplona, but it wasn't until we were leaving that we were leaving that I finally realized where I had heard the name before.

I loved it; the floors made me happy and the tea menu was fantastic.

anadromeda said...

Ok huns. Tomorrow I am oing my lecture about you and the dresden dolls as a band in english class (I live in sweden). And in a couple of weeks we're going to show our music projects, me and two friends are doing girl anachronism, and even though no one in my class had heard about you before I introduced them they really like it.

Loch Ness Munter said...

Wahhhhh let's put it this way. Before I came on the computer I thought I was about to fall asleep in my two-day old socks, then I thought I'd go on here to see if there were any new entries. I'd already seen a video of you playing the kill (either on or, I can't remember which (: ) but then I listened to it on your myspace and I feel like I just drank the strongest coffee known to man upside down in a rainbow room.
I love you =D
I'd love you even more if you came to Scotland or the UK sometime soon...
...But yeah. Still love you =]

Salt Chunk Mary said...

Just want to say that I too saw the lovely Amanda Palmer at Queens sbux and freaked out like a teenage girl even though I was pushing my kid in a stroller.

And, Yes Virginia did get me through my awful pregnancy--especially Mandy Goes to Med School. I'm listening to the song right now and so glad I'm not preggo.

Nai said...

A long while ago I watched a youtube vid of you (you as in Amanda) performing The Kill on your own and I really liked it... I even faved it... (
I love that it's now a TRACK track with Brian's drumming. Wheeee.

watarimono said...

I love the new songs on your myspace page. I can't wait for the CD to come out.